Wednesday, December 23, 2015

How to enjoy on Christmas Eve without getting Fat!

  • Try Intermittent Fasting, which means don't eat anything till the big Christmas Eve Meal
  • You can and should still drink a lot of Water and/or Tea
  • Coffee is good, too and it helps against possible starving
  • When the evening arrives and the Family is up to enjoy the food, be sure to enjoy, too
  • You didn't consume any calories through the day 
  • You deserve it, with this method you didn't have to bring your Tupperware to the feast !!!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Unbelievable Transformation

Martyn Ford Photos from his Instagram!
And after ..!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Jay Cutler's Comeback 2016?!

We all thought that after his last Competition at the Mr.Olympia 2013, that he retired from competitive Bodybuilding. But having a closer look at Jay's last posting made made me overthink it!

What do you think ?!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Why did Nasser El Sonbaty died ?!

Read what his Training Partner had to say 

“Nasser had been ill for sometime. In November he was admitted to the hospital here in San Diego for breathing problems. It was then that he was diagnosed with heart failure and kidney damage. He was on dialysis from that day on. The doctors told him he was not a candidate for a heart transplant because his heart was too weak. He went back to Egypt to visit his family, which consisted of his mother, father and one sister. He died in his sleep while in Egypt. Whether or not it was caused by any of the illnesses I mentioned, we do not yet know. That’s the true story.”

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Bodybuilding Jokes !!

Interviewer:"What's the best protein source a bodybuilder can eat?" 
Pro:"Another Bodybuilder."

How do Columbians develop muscle? By pushing drugs

A little boy came home from a day trip at gold's gym. 
He told his mother that it was the strangest experience 
he'd ever had, everyone in there was swollen and screaming

If you notice a number of Bodybuilders in the gym getting erections,don't worry it's called bulking up.

Bodybuilder:"I work on 3 body parts a day." 
Pathologist:"So do I."

At a bodybuilding contest a moron 
put oil all over his body and started sliding around all over the stage.He won the contest because the top three competitors slipped and broke their necks.

Why did Arnold Schwarzenegger train on a desert island?
A: He wanted maximum isolation....

A bodybuilder is having a drink in the bar. A hot chick approaches him and asks: Hey sugar, whatcha doing today?
-Back and triceps!

Rare Arnold Schwarzenegger Gallery [Part1]

Hilarious Old Protein Commercial with Arnold!

Just check the Picture..Love it !

Saturday, October 24, 2015

How Arnold build his Arms

Off- Season Training System

- Arms were trained 2x a Week
- 45 minutes Triceps
- 45 minutes Biceps
- 30 minutes Forearms

Bicep Exercises 

- Cheating Barbell Curl
- Incline Dumbbell Curl
- One-arm concentration Curl
- Standing alternate dumbbell Curl

Tricep Exercises

- Triceps Pushdown
- Cable Rope Overhead Triceps extension
- Dumbbell One-Arm Triceps extension
- Bench Dips

Set's and rep's 

- 4 Sets
- 10-12 repetitions

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Lee Priest about Kevin Levrone ! -- It's War

Kevin is funny..likes a drink ot two..well he use to...I remember in 97 first Mr O i went to his room to tan him...he was sitting in corner asking how do i think i will go i said..hey i am just happy to be there...he said no lee you must want to's war....then he reached over to the table where he had a gun and said yeah it's war.....mmmmm Kevin maybe a little crazy ...but had fun time over seas with him on euro tour...he would always borrow stuff of people and you would never get it back lol.....On plane back from europe kevin had too many vodkas and was walking around, plane shirt and with pants half was quite funny.

Andreas Münzer's last cycle ?!

This is the last cycle that Andreas Munzer may took before he died ( At least what the media claims) : 

Weeks 1-10 
captagon-- scheduled 1 drug in the US, meaning no legitimate medical use-- it is an amphetamine-type stimulant-- 

Weeks 1-5 
500mg daily of test enanthate 
152mg daily of parabolan 
150mg daily of dianabol 
150mg daily of halotestin 
20 IU daily of HGH 
20 IU daily of Insulin 

Weeks 6-8 
300mg daily of masteron 
152mg daily of parabolan 
250mg daily of winstrol tabs 
150mg daily of halotestin 
50mg daily of winstrol inj 
24 IU daily of HGH 

Weeks 9-10 
200mg daily of masteron 
100mg daily of winny inj 
200mg daily of halotestin 
400mg daily of winny tabs 
24 IU daily of HGH 
Insulin daily 
IGF-1 daily 

Days 1-3 leading up to show 
aldactone, lasix 

Is it Worth it?!

"After months of stomach pain, Münzer was admitted to hospital on the morning of March 12, 1996. By 7pm, doctors had decided to operate to stop bleeding from his stomach, but his liver and kidneys failed shortly afterwards. His condition by this point was too severe for a blood transfusion, and he died on the morning of March 14 at the age of 31.The autopsy gave the cause of death as dystrophic multiple organ failure"                         --Wikipedia

Click here to read Andreas' pretented last cycle before his death 

So Andres Münzer died at the young Age of 31 chasing his dreams and step into a career similar to his idol Arnold Schwarzeneggers.
He was dieting year around to stay in contest shape in order to make guest appearences and earn money off that. In the end his Body couln't handle this pressure no more and quit.
Some say, Andreas is the great example of why you shouldn't ever take steroids, others admire Andreas for living for his dream of getting rich and famous like Arnold.
What do you think?!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Serge Nubret Diet

Serge didn't have any off or on seasons, no Bulk and Cut Periods, he stood shredded the whole year and had a special eating regiment.
Usually he ate 1-2 times a day, with having really big portions like up to 8 pounds of horse meat in one single sitting! He mostly ate during the late evening and never made breakfast as he was trainings his abs in the morning. Serge never counted his proteins but it was usually around 600 grams of proteins. Cheatmeals like pizza were not scripted in his diet but if his body craved for pizza, Serge didn't have a probleme having one. He never drink any shake during his competition days and consumed less carbs than proteins. Aditionally he took multivitamins.
Serge slept around 7-8 hours a night to get his body recovered from his long trainings sessions.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Gregg Valentino before & after Steroids

Did you know that Gregg Valentino actually had a pretty nice Physique naturally before getting into Steroids? You don't believe me? Check out the pictures!

And now after Steroids!

Jay Cutler's Youth [Pictures]

Saturday, October 3, 2015


10th - Steve Kuclo
9th - Juan Morel
8th - Lucas Osladil 
7th - Ronny Rockell
6th - Roelly Winklaar
5th - William Bonac
4th - Dennis Wolf
3rd - Shawn Rhoden
2nd - Big Ramy
1st - Dexter Jackson

Dennis James & Cars- Check his new one!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Arnold Schwarzeneggers 6 Rules to Success!

Follow these rules and success will follow you.


You've got to have a vision of what you—not your mother or father—want to do. I knew when I was a kid that I wanted to be a world champion in bodybuilding. I wanted to be the greatest bodybuilder—not just win one competition, but be the greatest bodybuilder of all time.

My parents wanted a different vision for me. They wanted me to be a police officer like my father, to marry a girl named Heidi, and to have a bunch of children, like the von Trapp family in "The Sound of Music." I wanted to get out of Austria, to come to America, to be a champion. I had total trust and confidence in that decision and I went after it. Have trust in yourself, craft your own vision, and go after it. Once you have a strong enough vision, you can work like hell to achieve it.


Franco Columbu stood 5-foot-5. Everyone told him he would never be a world champion. The rules said that only tall and big guys win Mr. Universe, Mr. Olympia, and all the big titles. But Franco broke the rules. He became the monster slayer. He won the Mr. Universe three times. He won Mr. World. He even won the Olympia twice!

I did the same thing. People said I could not become an actor. The rules said that actors with accents could not be leading men. I broke that rule. I didn't care if no one in history had ever done it. I took acting classes, accent-removal lessons, and English lessons. I worked hard, and I became a leading man.


When you fail, you can always get back up. You have to take risks. Without taking risks, you can never break a record. If you have a 400-pound bench press and want to bench 420, but you are afraid to fail, then you'll never even try the 420. Relax! Don't be afraid.

A failure is someone who falls and never gets back up. A winner falls, gets up, dusts himself off, and keeps moving. Don't be afraid to fail! Everyone around the world fails. Don't be afraid to attack that goal.


If I had listened to these people, I would still be in Austria, up in the Alps, yodeling. When I was 15 years old and told people I wanted to be a champion bodybuilder, right away they told me it wouldn't happen. "It's impossible," they said. "It's an American sport. In Austria, you can be a ski, cycling, or maybe track and field champion, but you cannot be a bodybuilding champion."

You know something? I didn't listen to them. I moved to America. I became a bodybuilding champion. The rest is history.

When I ran for governor of California, they said, "No, you can't. You have to first run for mayor, city council, state senator, and then maybe for governor." I said to hell with all that. I felt passionate about public service and giving something back. I wanted to run for governor, I ran, and two months later I was governor.


I hate when people say, "I don't have enough time to work out." That's crazy to me. You have 24 hours in a day. Sleep six hours, and you have 18 hours left. Do your job, which probably takes 8-10 hours, and you have at least 10 hours left. You're telling me you can't work out in that time?

Read a book, pay attention to your family, spend time with your friends, and save 30-45 minutes to work out every day. That's a minimum! I promise you can find or make the time.

A day lasts 24 hours, so don't limit your working hours to certain portions of it. Work like hell. Work your butt off. No one has ever been successful without working hard. There are no shortcuts. Work like hell and you're going to make it.


We are not where we are today without any help. We all get help along the way. We've never done it by ourselves. Everything I have done—show business, politics, money I made, success in business and bodybuilding, my foundation, environmental organizations—it's always with a lot of help from a lot of people.
Since they helped me, I should now help others! This is why I have after-school programs, why I help with Special Olympics, and why I care about environmental issues. I want to clean up the environment and create a green-energy future so our world is a better place than when we inherited it.
We have to help people. There are millions of children who need help, who come from families that don't have enough money or don't read well. Help them learn to read! Encourage people to exercise! Join an organization where you can give a kid a hug, hang a medal around their neck and say, "You're a winner! We believe in you. We love you. We care for you."

Do something for your community, your state, your country. Give something back.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Bodybuilder died ON STAGE !!

Gary Himing
You won't believe what happened to a Bodybuilder. Like you know all kinds of horrible things go on behind the curtain to get musclemen ready for their contest. So the absolute worst thing that can happen to a pro is for something to interrupt that brief shining moment. For Australian competitor Gary Himing, he demonstrated the risks in bodybuilding in the most extreme way: by dying on stage. Himing was competing in the Masters division at the IFBB event in Victoria when he collapsed from a heart attack after his set. Amazingly enough, the show continued after his body was removed from the stage.

Friendship between Phil Heath & Dexter Jackson

Great to see some camaraderie in the sport of bodybuilding!

Wanted to shout out one of my friends @mrolympia08 who clearly has made me believe that he is one of the greatest of...
Posted by Phillip Heath on Montag, 28. September 2015

Monday, September 28, 2015



  1. Giovanni Azpeitia
  2. William Bonac
  3. Elvis Brown
  4. Brandon Curry
  5. Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay
  6. Alexander Fedorov
  7. Roman Fritz
  8. Dalibor Hájek
  9. Dexter Jackson
  10. Kiss Jeno
  11. Tomáš Kašpar
  12. Michael Kefalianos
  13. Steve Kuclo
  14. Juan Diesel Morel
  15. Lukáš Osladil
  16. Shawn Rhoden
  17. Ronny Rockel
  18. Rastislav Solar
  19. Roelly Winklaar
  20. Dennis Wolf
  21. Marek Olejniczak

MEN’S 212

  1. Ahmad Ahmad
  2. Carlos Asensio
  3. Steve Benthin
  4. Raul Carrasco
  5. Emiliano Dell’Uomo
  6. David Henry
  7. Zoran Kolevski
  8. Jan Kubík
  9. Jerry Ossi
  10. Jose Raymond
  11. Jose Raúl Sanchez
  12. Oleksandr Slobodyanyuk
  13. Milan Šádek

Thursday, September 24, 2015

My Arnold Classics Europe 2015 TOP 6

1. Dennis Wolf
2. Dexter Jackson
3. Shawn Rhoden
4. Big Ramy
5. Roelly Winklaar
6. Brandon Curry

follow @denizfit96 on Instagram

Arnold Classic Europe 2015 Competitors !

DENNIS WOLF (Alemania)
Víctor Martínez (República Dominicana)
WILLLIAM BONAC (Ghana / Holanda)
ZACK KHAN (Gran Bretaña)
CARLOS ASENSIO (Valladolid, España)

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Would Kai won if he had competed?!

I am Sure that you saw the Olympia and know that Phil won it his 5th time.
Knowing his Performance at the contest,  do you think  that Kai Greene had won it, if he competed??
Feel free to comment below. .

Mr.Olympia 2015 Winner - Phil Heath!

Phil DID it again!
5x Mr.Olympia won the Sandow last night and put him next to the Hall of Fame Bodybuilders.
He will come Home with a Big 400 000$ Check!

Top 6:

1st Phil Heath 400 000$
2nd Dexter JACKSON 150 000$
3rd Shawn RHODEN 100 000 $
4th Dennis Wolf 55 000 $
5th Big Ramy 45 000 $
6th Branch Warren 35 000 $

Follow @denizfit96 on Instagram