Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Interview with Nasser El Sonbaty about Andreas Münzer

[Q]: Nasser. I understand you frequently spoke with Andreas Münzer over the years. You also have inside information on his bodybuilding background. Please tell me what you know. Give me your side of the story.
Andreas Münzer was one of the nicest, most sincere professional bodybuilders to have ever competed as a pro and he had the physique to do some real damage – a true fan favorite. But he was taken advantage of and this, in my opinion, finally cost him his life. As most of us know, Andreas trained in Germany, his home country. The owner of the gym where Münzer trained and was employed as a trainer was The Gravedigger. The Gravedigger is the guy who is responsible for Europe’s biggest muscle magazine, the “Sportrevue”, which is what I considered to be a Bavarian-style farmer bodybuilding magazine: it did not focus on many other German events and big international events at that time. The Gravedigger is, or at least was, the IFBB vice president for Europe. He is an angry, hostile, dictatorial old Bavarian conservative with an over-proportioned watermelon head and a complete Nazi mentality and world vision.
In Andreas’ case, I hold The Gravedigger to a very high degree responsible for his death. The Gravedigger once had the poor guy painting the walls of his gym until the early morning hours, despite the fact that Münzer had to fly out to a pro show that morning. He also always wanted to have Münzer in contest shape: in the off-season as well as pre contest. So Münzer had to not only diet (as he “liked doing” as The Gravedigger claimed) but he also had to consume pre-contest drugs all year round, on a regular basis. The Gravedigger did not care for Andreas’ health situation; he only cared for Münzer in regard to his being the figurehead of that “Leistungszentru Gravedigger “. In other words, Andreas as the employed one had to bite his teeth and tongue and he had to diet in combination with permanently consuming pre-contest drugs in order to keep his job. It was said that The Gravedigger forbade Münzer to go to the doctor regularly because Andreas was “not supposed to leave the gym”. Also The Gravedigger, as one of Europe’s main IFBB guys, arranged many guest posing appearances for Andreas. The Gravedigger could interfere with people and not recommend Andreas for guest posing spots if he wanted to do so. Münzer neglected regular medical checkups because of the pressure The Gravedigger had put him under.
The IFBB Olympian Münzer, originally from Austria, was celebrated by the German bodybuilding community as German when he was successful in shows, and when he was in hard condition while guest posing, but when he was less successful at shows he was “just the Austrian”, basically regarded as a second-class human. These statements are based on my personal experience. I am also a good friend of his former girlfriend Elizabeth Schwarz, who for many years lived with him. Elizabeth is a very attractive feminine looking girl who on three occasions finished in second place at the Amateur Bodybuilding World Championships. Her cooking skills and personality are also fantastic.
Andreas died in March of 1996, after he came 6th at the Arnold Classic and 7th in the San Jose pro show (a week after the Arnold). On the flight back to Munich, Germany, Andreas began bleeding internally. He already had an ulcer from years back but had not gone to the doctor for a while. This and the combination of the drugs he had taken in order to get ready for the show cost him his life. When he was finally hospitalized in Munich, upon arrival from his transatlantic flight, it was already too late for him to receive proper help. Münzer did not die from steroids: you cannot overdose on steroids. You can, however, overdose on recreational drugs, diuretics and insulin. Nevertheless, in my view, The Gravedigger is Andreas Münzer’s primary gravedigger. I can only repeat and say: “Gravedigger, Du hast Andreas Münzer auf dem Gewissen, Du hast Ihn umgebracht (Gravedigger, you have Andreas Münzer on your conscience, you killed him).
[Q]: Did you ever train at Andreas’ gym?
No. At age 19 I began training at one of the best bodybuilding gyms in Southern Germany, the “Sporting” in Stuttgart. At this very well known gym at that time, many different German national amateurs and pros worked out off and on (including Anja Albrecht and Jusup Wilcosz) and also certain IFBB pros came from time to time. I remember seeing back then guys like former IFBB pro John Brown.
This gym was basically the nemesis of the “Leistungszentrum Gravedigger ” in Munich, Bavaria where many other German amateurs and also IFBB pro’s like Peter Hensel, Andreas Münzer (like before also his country man Arnold Schwarzenegger; both even from the same Austrian state of Steiermark) had worked out.
I met Andreas in 1993 in Paris at the French IFBB pro show and a week later in Nuremberg, Bavaria, at the German IFBB pro show. I beat him twice (in both events) because I was just more ripped than even Andreas. This was the first two times I ever qualified for the Olympia. Münzer was a very calm guy. He was nice, polite and friendly. He was a hard working bodybuilder who did not complain about anything. In later years, Münzer had hardness to his body that was barely achieved by anyone in the world of pro bodybuilding. He was so ripped he, to me, looked like a reptile. He was in some shows so hard that if this were the decisive criterion for winning, he would have been Mr. Olympia. It got to a point where I could not match his hardness. In 1994 I visited him in Munich at his work place, at his gym where he was a trainer. And he was eating clean day in and day out. He was always more than ready for a guest posing. And off-season he looked harder than 80 percent of today’s pros on the day of their show. He was extremely dedicated to his profession as an IFBB pro. I personally think that Andreas was too deprived from fats and calories in the off-season so he must have suffered for much of his bodybuilding life.
I have tremendous respect for Muenzer as an athlete and as a man. I only saw him eating fatty foods in 1993 after my former wife and I took him to lunch on the Sunday after the Paris pro show. We had some salmon in fatty sauce and he had just one cheat hamburger and continued eating chicken breast and rice. His biggest protein source was, besides chicken breast, turkey, and lean fish, the daily egg whites. Of course I did continue with my diet as well (for the German Grand Prix, seven days later) but I did not stop at one hamburger the day after that show. Yes Andreas was also a huge believer in “tons” of egg whites and he also loved artificial liquid sweeteners (those the equivalent of “equal” and “splenda” used widely in the US). This was the case during off-season and pre-contest, which again was for Andreas was almost one and the same.
[Q]: Did you ever talk with Andreas about his drug intake?
I never did specifically talk with Andreas about drugs. He only told me once that Paul Dillett had complained to him that his butt was always hurting so much from all these shots he (Paul) was taking to get ready for the shows. I also want to make it clear here that the media in general and the German media in particular portrayed Andreas Münzer as the absolutely “insane freak” when it came to his consumption of steroids. I do not know about Andreas’ drug intake but it does not mean that the harder you are and/or the bigger you are, the more drugs you should or must take. There is no direct correlation or a general consensus among experts to reach these kinds of assumptions. But a lot of people in general, but also bodybuilding folk, have a tendency to think this way. Once again, Andreas died and The Gravedigger allowed the German media to verbally destroy Münzer’s legacy and achievements as an extremely dedicated professional bodybuilder. The Gravedigger did nothing to defend the dead Münzer from all this patently wrong media slander and the completely inaccurate accusations leveled at him. The unthankful and backstabbing The Gravedigger was actually riding at the top wave of the anti-Münzer propaganda. The Gravedigger wanted to come out as the fine and innocent IFBB gentleman with a white vest and collar. Shame on you Gravedigger!
Once Peter Hensel, IFBB pro and Olympian as well, originally from former East Germany, who defected from the former communist state “GDR”, was sitting in The Gravedigger office chair, waiting for The Gravedigger. The Gravedigger showed up late and explained that his wife had passed away (that day). Hensel simply said: “Scheisse Mann, musste dass denn gerade heute passieren? Ich wollte doch mit Dir zum Kegeln gehen. Mist.” Translated as: Shit man, why did this just have to happen today? I wanted to go bowling with you. Shit.” Hensel was definitely less sensitive compared with Münzer and The Gravedigger was way more aggressive with Münzer.
[Q]: Of course what you have just discussed about The Gravedigger is based on your personal experiences. Did Andreas Münzer tell you anything about The Gravedigger that would support what you have just said?
Andreas very seldom went into detail criticizing people. Andreas was also a non-confrontational person. But in regard to, The Gravedigger I do remember clearly when “Gravedigger’s ” name once came up in the course of general conversation; Andreas Münzer mentioned him, referring to him as a “merciless slave chaser (in German: “gnadenloser Sklaventreiber”) and an “arrogant user” (“arroganter Ausnuetzer”). At that time I told Andreas that I thought The Gravedigger was a man without conscience who wanted to use people for his own fame. The Gravedigger wanted to originally be a bodybuilder but obviously he never had the body for it. Personally I did always think that The Gravedigger looked like a pervert. And if I am really honest with my feelings, I always visualized The Gravedigger as being a molester. That’s the impression he made on me.
But one thing Andreas did have to his advantage: he was happy to work out in such a great gym as he did (On one level of the gym regular gym members used to work out, and on the other level more progressed, competitive bodybuilders worked out). However, Andreas was not happy with the low pay and the excessive hours and overtime he had to do. As precise and diligent as Münzer was with his body, he was as diligent at his work place. With Andreas, The Gravedigger had the perfect working machine. Otherwise Andreas did not want to give chubby The Gravedigger too much attention. And he did not bring the subject of the abuser The Gravedigger up again. Münzer was not into spoiling his days with negativity.
[Q]: Andreas was always known as one of the more unassuming pros, a guy who nobody said anything bad about. Did you ever see anything that might contradict this line of thinking?
In late 2001, I guest-posed in Munich, Germany, at the German amateur show, which was also the qualifier for the German team to compete at the Amateur World Championships in Yangon, Myanmar. At this contest I again met Elisabeth Schwarz. We talked about previous happenings in the world of bodybuilding. A week later we met again and I asked her if Münzer had anger issues in general or towards her in particular, when dieting, especially since they were dieting together – her for IFBB amateur shows and he for his IFBB pro shows. “No, not at all” she told me. She also added that she was actually the one who was loud if anyone was, whether it was on or off their respective diets. I have never heard or personally seen any rage or verbal aggression directly concerning Andreas. Have never even heard hearsay about that.
Andreas Münzer was, as most of us know by now, a very quiet and laid-back character. He, for most of the time, let his body do the talking. I remember on one IFBB Grand Prix in Europe in the early 90s, in which Aaron Baker, Cormier, I and also Andy Münzer, among others, competed. Wayne DeMilia, the chairman of the IFBB pro division at that time and also being the kindergarten leader of the IFBB pro bodybuilders in Europe during the European Tour, had counted all the competitors twice “correctly” in the bus, which was parked in front of the local hotel where the contestants were staying. So the count was complete and the bus took off to the contest auditorium. After a couple of miles, I – as the only one – realized that Andy was not on the bus. I immediately notified Wayne about this. He ordered the bus driver to return “to get Münzer” who had taken an afternoon nap and who was still asleep when we arrived to collect him. Münzer’s conduct, when he entered the waiting bus, was not panicky or worried at all. “Er war die Ruhe selbst” (translated from German into English: “He was the calmness in person”).
[Q]: Not the kind of behavior befitting a drug monster.
One thing I do know for a fact is that the “super high doses” of drugs Andreas Münzer allegedly took are not true. I know so because I am not comparing it with someone who is only thought to take high amounts of anabolic steroids but with what I have seen from guys like Mike Francois, Roland Cziurlok, Milos, Sonny, and up to guys like Shaun Davies and the Kovacs Monster. I saw Andreas’ medical journals. When I began dating Elizabeth in late 2001 she also told me all about what he was taking. Again, the German media totally exaggerated Andreas’ so-called “monstrous steroid consumption” as they phrased it. A regular Mr. USA bodybuilding class winner (still amateur) takes much more, as I have witnessed. By the way, the German media speculated that “Nasser El Sonbaty” would be the next dead German bodybuilder. I was nicknamed “the walking pharmacy” – pure irresponsible speculation. It would be like me saying that guys like Cutler, Coleman and Yates, because of their massive size, and Mr. Olympia status, took so many anabolic steroids and other guys who placed lower or never won any pro show took very little.
When I guest posed in Vancouver, Canada, at the end of 1996, with the Zebra (Flex Wheeler) and Ronnie, I heard that Andreas Münzer had been arrested and detained in Vancouver after he had flown in for the same reason (to guest pose – a year before me). Customs had found anabolic steroids on him, and bail was posted. But hours later the Canadian promoter, Sergio B, bailed Andreas. Sergio did not want to have his famous bodybuilding show running without the announced guest poser. Münzer was lucky in that when he was detained in Vancouver, B. C., Canada that he had a guy like Sergio B. to help him out, which the Japanese IFBB pro and Olympian Hidetada Yamagashi did not have, when he was arrested at the LAX (Los Angeles, CA) airport on 8/12/2007. Hidetada also remained in custody for many weeks because no one seemed to be interested and willing to take care of the – as far as I remember – almost $ 200,000.00 US Dollar bail of his (you must bring up 10% of that amount to be released). Hidetada’s “great friend” Milos, who had waited at the airport for his arrival (Hide flew in from Japan) did not do one thing for him. Milos dropped Hide like a hot potato; further proof of the great friendship offered by the DCM.
One guy I know and who was before arrested by the DEA for such a thing, told me “if you do such things” always have $20,000.00 to $ 25,000.00 US Dollars ready, to either bail yourself out or to pay a lawyer an advance. I believe Hide did not foresee the possible consequences of his actions in this situation. Mostly, under such circumstances, all friends, and especially all bodybuilding friends (brothers in iron) – just disappear. There is a very good German proverb that could apply here: ” In der Not sind alle Freunde tot (in misery/in need, all friends are dead). Münzer was lucky to be bailed out but he was not very lucky on the other side because not long after that he was dead.
Q: You say you saw Andreas’ “medical” journals. To your recollection, what did these journals say?
I would not like to go into detail about Münzer’s drug intake. But I can definitely say, that what I have seen, read and memorized is basically the same “things” most of other champions/guys take; there were just more water-based drugs and less “heavy” stuff such as high testosterone doses like Cypionate, Enanthate, Omnadren, Sustanon and Anadrol 50. If I thought or had the impression that Münzer was a high-dose anabolic user, I would not have a problem saying so. Again, I personally would say that he was not in the high range as like a Kovacs syndrome, an Oxycontin Palumbo or a Milos drug dose guy.
[Q]: To your knowledge, what drugs contributed to Andreas’ deteriorating-health?
I do not think that there is ever one sole reason as to why someone died. Mostly “they”, the medical authorities, do give you one “big reason” but say that it is just a syndrome, an accumulation of personal dispositions, natural deterioration, a combination of facts we even do not know about. How does global warming and pollution in the ocean affect us, our food chain, the effect of water (which is never 100% clean, just “cleaned”), the consumption of different drugs over the years, and I’m not just talking about bodybuilding related drugs here? There is so much speculation but non-substantive proof that Andreas died of this or that specific drug or drug combo. Just food deprivation, deprivation of serotonin levels can take a toll on anyone. Recently I read that in Japan there is an accumulation/a phenomenon where more and more white-collar-people are dying of intense work hours, like 80 to 100 hours per week. So, is this related to drugs, food, sleep, a chemical imbalance in the brain or body, lack of social contact or is it “just” stress? So I will then ask: “Can a bodybuilder also die of stress?” And if not, why not?
[Q]: You also speak of pre contest drugs Andreas was permanently on. What were these drugs and how did they, in your view, affect him?
I do not believe that is healthy for the body to take, over long periods of time, drugs including prescribed medicines and antibiotics, or even vitamins or anything in that direction. Even an excessive, frequent and long duration intake of Vitamin C, for example, can be damaging for some people in the long run. But pre-contest bodybuilding drugs like water based varieties – dissolved in water – like Winstrol for instance, does stay in the system for shorter periods. And the reason why many people use injectable Winstrol, like Andreas did in off-season, all year around, is that the injectable version, which is more popular than the oral version, does not easily convert into estrogen hormones. It also keeps the water retention to a minimum. Winstrol produces good muscle gains and keeps bodybuilders who stick to a cleaner diet in good shape. Other bodybuilding drugs, next to Winstrol, which have the same non-aromatizing effect and barely retain much water, are drugs like Parabolan, Equipoise, Masteron, and in combination with these injectables is the injectable Primobolan, which keeps water retention very, very low.
Also there is a common use of Primobolin acetate tablets (from the Schering company), which also burn body fat among bodybuilders, or simply for the guys who love the hard “surfer dude look” and Oxandrolone tabs. Again, all these drugs taken for shorter periods of time do not create any emergencies. But using all of these drugs for longer periods of time – like over many, many months with short breaks over many years – causes a negative balance of hormones in the body. Adding calorie reduced diets to this with contests and guest-posing appearances where you want to look great is definitely not the smartest thing to do. And additionally adding thyroid hormone, GH, IGF 1 and Insulin can result in hormonal chaos within the system. All these things taken can have individually different side effects. Some people also have, for instance, an ulcer problem or a pancreas problem that they had not been (clearly) aware of, so things can get out of control, especially when not having regular medical check-ups by QUALIFIED doctors.
But in contrast, I have read and seen the “over-dosages” of drugs Andreas took, how he had so many drug dealers getting drugs from him, how irresponsible he was in most areas of his life, how obsessed his was with his “steel body” – all written and fabricated by the extremely sensation-hungry and anti-bodybuilding German media. The German media, even relatively accurate magazines like “Der Spiegel”, a politics and society magazine, tore Münzer into pieces and portrayed him as the ultimate monster that was willing to die for his “artificial steroid and drug-induced beauty”. The mirror (Der Spiegel) is a German weekly magazine, published in Hamburg. It is one of Europe’s largest and most influential weekly magazines with a circulation of more than one million per weekend; other, more truth related magazines, stepped down to an almost unprecedented low level and acted like the very famous, but also very cheap (financially and morally), German “sex, gossip and some news magazines”, as I would describe them. “Die Bildzeitung” (the picture magazine) is tabloid-style and broadsheet in size. It is the best-selling newspaper in Europe and has the seventh-largest circulation worldwide. The Bildzeitung’s closest English-language stylistic and journalistic equivalent is often considered to be “The Sun” in the UK – the second highest selling European tabloid newspaper.
Münzer was also kind of maliciously pictured in that way, to a degree, where you got the impression that he was belonging to a kind of body sect, which was worshipping body-enhancing drugs with the alliance of the devil. Münzer’s achievements on the contest stage – according to the raging German media – were also solely based on drug use. In that same context, a picture in one of the German magazines of me was posted with the remark that I, Nasser, would be the next to die. Bodybuilding in Germany and Andreas’ family and friends took a devastating hit with the sensation-craving German media exploitation of Andreas’ death. Since Andreas’ death, so much untruth and the most absurd rumors have been, and are still circulating, about “Andy” as he was also called. The German bodybuilding media is in general and in particular extremely anti-bodybuilding. Also California’s governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is constantly mocked and ridiculed in the German media because of his bodybuilding past. But The Gravedigger kisses Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ass regularly but distanced himself completely from Münzer. Münzer’s “friend” The Gravedigger does not want to have anything to do with Münzer any more.
[Q]: Andreas Münzer dropped in his placements from the year 1995 to 1996. Did you notice his deteriorating state?
I would not necessarily say that Andreas deteriorated that drastically in this time frame because it is just a period of a year or two. But the general deterioration applies to most people gradually, including Münzer, Arnold, Bannout, Yates and others along with myself. We could establish the thesis in Münzer’s case that his body stopped slowly but surely responding less to drugs and diets. But we could also say that he got sick (er). Or we could say that he lost his “fire” – which I do not think. Personally I would say that Münzer, because of his hardness in the off-season, could not add too much more hardness in the pre-contest phase because off-season and pre-contest was basically the same for him. I think further that even from a certain point with harder workouts and more workouts, different training techniques and even more “discipline and determination” Andreas could not achieve much more. He was at his physical max when he passed away. And I also believe that his body’s response to drugs and diets was not as good as in previous years. Most likely his body was health-wise declining at a much earlier stage, but Münzer, with his extremely strong will, forced and pushed his body despite discomfort and agonizing pain – which most internet warriors like most of the fat, obese, lazy, jealous, ugly, childish and goal-less and heavily oblivious big parts of the get bigger crowd and losers from other “bodybuilding” sites never experience.
Here again it is The Gravedigger who carries primary guilt and fault to expect from Münzer the almost impossible – to be hard and ripped all year round. A human, even if he is great like Münzer was, is still not a machine. And even machines have their breakdowns. But I would also secondarily like to blame guys like Jim Manion and other users in the judging panel to expect athletes to be year in and year out in top shape. And top shape means next to a having a great tan, great posing and smile also big ass kissing towards them and very much the use of all kinds, all sorts and mega-amounts of drugs – while Manion and company indulge in lavish festivities, fatty food and alcohol. And these people are those who are talking about deteriorating shapes of athletes because they want them to step as frequently as humanly possibly onstage to generate more money for them. Manion would never expect his son JM to become a body builder. Hell no. He does not want his son to become a bodybuilding fatality like Don Long, Mike Morris, Mike Dragna, Kenny Wheeler and Tom Prince (just mentioning some pros, not mentioning the many more including countless amateurs who got sick because of the demands of the “leaders” like Manion and company).
Wayne DeMilia would also not expect or want his son Marcellus to become a bodybuilder either. But again, these users are, in the end, making fun and cracking jokes about people who show up in poorer shape and condition because of those competitors’ physical inability to arrive in perfect shape each time. It is impossible to peak perfectly multiple times throughout the year. There are too may shows in the IFBB pro ranks which pay very poorly. But the bodybuilders are treated almost like racehorses. When a racehorse breaks a foot or a leg, then it is no longer profitable. It is shot right away. Bodybuilders do not get shot with guns (with exceptions like Ray McNeill) but get shot with needles. And in many cases you have to just wait for too many shots over extended periods of time to cause a casualty or these guys just drop out because of fear of more health issues, or they are so deteriorated from being used for too long without getting the proper reimbursement, which is often “only” a fair placement. And then everyone, including the so concerned and responsible freaks in the IFBB suits, asks: “why did this happen to Andreas, why does Wheeler need a new kidney?”
Either they (the bodybuilders) comply with the demands to look great (which means brutal diets and regular drug intake) in order to make money, or they deteriorate (which can be extreme after several contest years, combined with injuries and a general shutdown of their abused systems) or they just get out of the sport, which is lead by the aforementioned users, abusers and manipulators. And then, after so many shows the “men in charge” – the despotism judging clique acts all surprised by incidents “involving the drug monsters” like Münzer, and many others. But the show must go on as Manion and The Gravedigger would say.
Classic bodybuilding quote:
“There are too may shows in the IFBB pro ranks which pay very poorly. But the bodybuilders are treated almost like racehorses. When a racehorse breaks a foot or a leg, then it is no longer profitable. It is shot right away. Bodybuilders do not get shot with guns but get shot with needles.” Nasser El Sonbaty on the reality facing pro bodybuilders.
[Q]: Did anyone warn Andreas to taper back on his dosage of drugs or take it easier with his diet?
There are always people who warn others. But I personally believe that most of these people – with very rare exceptions like family, very close friends and sometimes a partner – are just talk. They like to hear themselves talking. Andreas’ parents, his extended family and his former partner Elizabeth, all of whom he lived with, were Andy’s biggest and most loyal supporters. I personally do not believe that people around Andreas were really concerned about him, notwithstanding the mentioned exceptions. Most people around him wanted to feed of him. Feed of his positive energy and positive attitude. They wanted to suck out his workout knowledge and his “drug program”. Most people are simply users. I would say that 95% of all people are users, abusers and takers in one form or the other.
Fake friends, fake buddies and insincere workout partners (who wanted the most and the best for themselves by teaming up with Andy) surrounded Andreas, along with his friend “The Gravedigger”, who just “wanted the best for him”. The Gravedigger did not treat him as he wanted and or wants himself (The Gravedigger) to be treated. The Gravedigger took advantage of him (Andreas) to promote himself, his ” Sportrevue “, and was, by having Münzer, drawing and adding more members and clients to the gym. Also if Münzer had been a US champion and not just a “ripped European”, Manion would have portrayed him as the “most outstanding ripped specimen” in human history. Münzer would be the incarnation of American determination and the rebirth of American spirit. Münzer would be the avant-garde of a new “hard” elite group of US bodybuilders. I am convinced that if Münzer always had, for example, an English sounding name like “Bob Fye” or “Steve Board”, that his career would have been, in the US, crowned by much more success. If a dumb person now says: “but Arnold was also Austrian”, I can only say: “Yes you idiot, but Arnold was the man in the ‘70s and Joe had, back then, the ultimate say in bodybuilding. Münzer, who came through the ranks in the ‘90s, did not have the outgoing charisma and “I want everything” attitude Arnold had. I also remember that Münzer was supposed to receive a Weider contract from Joe the year he passed away. But things developed in another direction.
The Gravedigger was prejudiced towards Münzer because he was Austrian and so prejudiced too was Manion, the small town person who is prejudiced towards everything that is not “Philly”-related or not English/American related or connected. Also Manion does not like Arnold, as he told me and he (Manion) does not even like California. Additionally, Manion personally always favors East Coast bodybuilders over West Coast bodybuilders. And his “power base” is for the biggest part established on the allegiance of mostly East Coast IFBB pro judges. Let’s see how the 2008 Olympia results will go this year, “correctly adjusted” (manipulated) by the Manion judging panel!
[Q]: Thank you for your honesty and candor Nasser. Do you have any concluding thoughts on the final days of Andreas Münzer?
According to Elizabeth Schwarz, Andreas’ former partner, Andreas – as she told me – indeed started bleeding internally after his last contest, the San Jose Pro show in 1996. He was also supposedly internally bleeding for the remaining 30 hours of his life (including on the transcontinental flight and the transatlantic flight). He was in excruciating pain. After landing in Munich, Germany, he was immediately rushed to the hospital but during surgery he was pronounced dead. The help came too late. It is not true that he refused a blood transfusion as some people have reported. Further, the rumor circulated that the cause of his bleeding was his use of the oral drug “Cytadren” (Aminoglutehimide) which is by the way a non-steroid.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Die Geschichte des Artur Jammers - Teil 1

Es war eines Montagmorgens als Artur schwach und übermüdet  sich ins Badezimmer begab. Er versuchte den Blick in den Spiegel, aufgrund seines jämmerlichen Körpers, zu vermeiden.
Auf seine Zahnstocher Arme und seine Trichterbrust konnte er alles andere als stolz sein.
Auch der Rest seines Körpers ähnelte eher einem Kleiderständer als einem Erwachsenen,was ihn auch diesen morgen aufs Neue frustierte.
Er steppte auf die Waage und las die Zahlen :  55,5 kg. Zurückschreckend bei einer Körpergröße von 1,80m.
Jahrelang wurde er in der Schule gehänselt als Klapperschlange, halbes Hemd und als Lümmel.
Einen Körper wie seine Idole Arnold Schwarznegger, Ronnie Coleman, Kai Green...etc. zu haben war schon immer sein Traum, aber mit dem Thema wie Muskeln aufgebaut werden hatte er sich noch nie wirklich beschäftigt und wusste dem entsprechend so gut wie nichts darüber.
Er vermutete, dass manche Menschen einfach so muskulös geboren werden, welch fataler Glaube.

Nachdem Artur enttäuscht einsehen musste, dass er wiedermal nichts zugenommen hat schlenderte er in sein Zimmer um sich für die Arbeit vorzubereiten.
Seinen Gürtel musste er so eng schnallen wie möglich, sein Hemd schlabberte auf seinem Oberkörper, es gab kaum etwas was ihm genau passte.
In der Arbeit traf er in der Mittagspause auf seinen Kumpel Armin, der zwar deutlich mehr wog aber nur aufgrund seines prächtigen Bierbauchs, von Muskeln fehlte bei beiden jegliche Spur.

Artur: " Servus Armin, mein Kollege!"
Armin blickte auf Artur und das mickrige Stück an Essen auf seinem Teller.
Armin: "Mit sowenig essen wird dein Traum vom wohlgeformten Bizeps nie was!"
Artur: "Mein Bizep muss brennen, aber wie ?!"
Armin : " Da frägst du nicht grade den Richtigen",er klopfte auf seinen Bauch "aber kauf auf dir am besten eins dieser Bodybuilding Zeitschriften am Bahnhofskiosk. Hab gehört die habens in sich!"
Artur: "Du hast bestimmt Recht. Gleich nach meiner Schicht besorg ich mir eins"

Gesagt, getan!
Voll motiviert lief Artur schnurstracks nach der Arbeit zum Kiosk, und kaufte sich die bekannte Bodybuildingzeitschrift "REX".
Der afroamerikanische Bodybuilding Champion Ronnie Coleman zierte das Magazincover. Artur war baff! "Leck mich doch am Arsch", waren seine letzten Worte, ehe er daheim das Magazin förmlich inhalierte.

To be continued!
Teil 2 folgt die Tage :) !!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Uncut- Interview mit einem Profi Bodybuilder!

Geführt auf der FIBO 2006 mit einem der Top Ten Mr. Olympia Teilnehmer

quelle: http://www.roidorder.info/profi.htm

Anmerkung: Dieses Interview ist rein informativer Natur und stellt in keinster Weise eine Anleitung zum Missbrauch verschreibungspflichtiger Substanzen dar! Zudem bitte beachten: Dieses Interview beinhaltet eine Sprache, die sich an volljährige Personen richtet. Minderjährige und jene Personen, die sich leicht angegriffen oder verletzt fühlen, dürfen auch gar keinen Fall weiterlesen! Allen anderen nun viel Spaß :-)!

Durch einen großen Zufall habe ich vor ein paar Jahren den Chef einer großen Supplement Line kennengelernt (im Folgenden "SH" für "Supplementhersteller" genannt), der beste Kontakte zu vielen Top Profis hat. Als wir uns auf der FIBO 2006 wiedersahen, stellte er mir Mr. X vor, einem der Top Ten Mr. Olympia Teilnehmer. Natürlich ergriff ich die Chance am Schopf und bat meinen Kollegen darum, mit ihm zu reden, dass er mir kurz für ein Interview für roidorder.info zur Verfügung steht. Gesagt, getan. Fünf Minuten später saßen wir alle gemeinsam an einem Tisch und plauderten über das, was wohl die meisten interessiert: Die Stoffpläne der Superstars!
Ich: Danke, Mr. X, dass Du Dir trotz Deines engen Terminplans und Deiner Auftritte hier kurz Zeit für mich nimmst.

Mr. X: Kein Thema. SH´s Freunde sind auch meine Freunde.

SH: Schleimer (grinst).

Ich: Aber echt (grinse auch). Mr. X, die Eingangsfrage: Wieviel Testo nehmt Ihr? Man liest ja die tollsten Geschichten. Einige reden von mehreren Gramm pro Woche, während andere von mehreren Gramm pro Tag reden. Was stimmt nun?

Mr. X: Nun, ich kann nicht für andere sprechen, aber was ich so herausgehört habe und was meine persönlichen Erfahrungen sind, ist alles über 1,5g pro Woche herausgeschmissenes Geld. Bei Testo ist es so, dass ab einer bestimmten Menge nur noch die Nebenwirkungen steigen, sonst nichts. Ich habe schonmal 1g Testo pro Tag probiert, wirkte nur leider nicht besser als 1g pro Woche. 

Ich: Interessant. Wie sieht es mit anderen Steroiden aus? Winstrol? Deca? Halos?
Mr. X: Deca lässt die Titten wachsen, Winstrol trocknet meine Gelenke aus und Halos werden überbewertet. In der Aufbauphase nehme ich nichts außer Testo, Insulin und STH.

Ich: Im Ernst?

SH: Veröffentliche das ja. Wird bestimmt ein neuer Trend in den Onlineforen (lacht)!

Mr. X: Onlineforen? Da wo die ganzen Gurus und Allwissenden hausen? (lacht)

Ich: Kein Kommentar (grinse).

Mr. X: Mal ehrlich: 90% der Jungs, die beim Mr. O mitmachen, würden auch mit pürierter Katzenkotze wachsen. Kann mir gut vorstellen, dass meine 1,5g Testo jeder dritte Onlineforen User einfährt und nichtmal die Hälfte von mir wiegt (lacht).

Ich: Stimmt schon. Ich wiege bei 1,80m knapp 100kg und merke unter 1g Testo die Woche auch nichts mehr. Auf eine Meisterschaft könnte ich trotz meines Stoffkonsums nicht (leicht verschämtes Lächeln).

Mr. X: Siehste, ist genau das was ich meine. Es gibt Leute, die können 1g Testo am Tag fahren und würden in zehn Jahren nicht so breit wie jemand mit guter Genetik, der vielleicht nur die Hälfte nimmt. 

Ich: Themewechsel. Insulin. Any comments?
Mr. X: Klar, fährt jeder Profi. Warum? Vergiss die Märchen mit dem Muskelaufbau. Ein Profi trainiert in der Regel 6 mal pro Woche. Das klappt nur, wenn die Speicher voll sind. Exogenes Insulin befördert die Nährstoffe direkt in die Muskeln und nicht erst in die Leber. Glaube nicht, dass wir jeden Tag Gas geben könnten, wenn Insulin uns nicht dabei helfen würde, unsere Glycogenspeicher nach dem Training schnellstmöglich wieder vollzukriegen. 6 mal Training pro Woche, 2 mal pro Tag? Jetzt weißt Du wie das geht.

Ich: Also nehmt Ihr Insulin ausschließlich zu dem Zweck, damit Euer Körper schneller wieder für ein Training bereit ist?

Mr. X: Gut erkannt.

Ich: Jemals Probleme mit Insulin gehabt?

Mr. X: Ja. Ganz zu Beginn. Habs übertrieben und direkt nach dem Training 40 Einheiten gespritzt. Als ich kurz darauf meine Kohlenhydrate zu mir nehmen wollte, fiel mir auf, dass ich nichts zu essen und zu trinken dabei hatte. Das war übel. Eine Thekendame konnte mich noch rechtzeitig zur nächsten Tankstelle bringen, wo ich mich mit Gatorade und Fruchtgummis vollgestopft habe. Man, da hatte ich zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben echt Schiss!

Ich: Wieviel Wachs nehmt Ihr? Stimmen die 48 Einheiten, die man überall liest?

Mr. X: (Lacht). Ja, genau so wie die 1g Testo pro Tag (lacht erneut). Alles Quatsch. Aufbauphase 8 Einheiten, max. 10. Vor einem Wettkampf bis zu 20, das ist aber absolutes Maximum. An ein Muskelwachstum dank STH glaubt heutzutage wohl niemand mehr, wir setzen es einzig und allein für eine schnellere Fettverbrennung und einem allgemein besseren Wohlbefinden ein. That´s it. Glaub mir, STH ist keinesfalls DAS Zaubermittel.

Ich: Weiß ich. Habs selber über ein Jahr lang genommen. Die Muskelqualität wurde besser, aber breiter bin ich dadurch nicht geworden.

Mr. X: Siehste.

Ich: Ephedrin, Clen, T3, Speed?

Mr. X: Herrje, meine Schwanzlänge willste aber nicht wissen, oder (lacht)?

Ich: Nein, die kleinen Stumpen sieht man ja in Euren Posinghöschen (lache).

Mr. X: Der war böse. Die Bühnen sind immer sehr kalt (lacht). Clen - ja. Max 8 Tabletten am Tag, erhöht die Fettverbrennung. Ephedrin - nein, komme ich immer scheisse drauf klar. T3 - nein. T4, wirkt mit STH erfahrungsgemäß besser. Speed? Man hört viel. Ich persönlich finde, dass ich mit meinem Stoffkonsum schon genug Schaden an meinem Körper anrichte. Man muss es nicht übertreiben. Ab und zu ein Näschen Kokain, aber das war´s dann auch schon. 

 Ich: Sonstige Geheimnisse, die Du mir unbedingt mitteilen möchtest?
Mr. X: Klar. Weiß nur nicht, ob das Geheimnisse sind. Trenbolon Acetat lieben wir zum Cutten. 500-1000mg pro Tag in den letzten 6 Wochen und Du willst nie wieder was anderes nehmen. Winstrol kommt entgegen meiner Überzeugung auch hinzu, allerdings nur für 4 Wochen mit 150mg pro Tag. Dazu dann einige Medikamente vom Doc, die das schlimmste verhindern, sprich Beta-Blocker und der ganze Scheiss.

Ich: Mal was anderes: Habe gehört, dass Ihr jeden Tag Eure Viagras braucht!?

Mr. X: Klar, nehmen wir zum Pumpen. Erhöht den Pump. Nehmen viele vor Fotoshootings. Und natürlich zum Poppen (lacht). Bei teilweise 12 Trainingseinheiten pro Woche ist man einfach zu oft ausgelaugt. Die Lust ist dank Testo definitiv da, aber das Teil will halt nicht. Da hilft Viagra. Habe auch schon Cialis und Levitra genommen, aber davon krieg ich nur Kopfschmerzen. Viagra geht, liegt wohl an der relativ kurzen Wirkdauer.

Ich: Thema "Absetzen". Clomifen, HCG?

Mr. X: (Lacht). Wenn wir Absetzen, dann gehen wir mit dem Testo auf 500mg runter und lassen außer STH und ab und zu Insulin alles andere weg. Richtiges Absetzen kannst Du Dir in unserem Beruf nicht leisten.

Ich: Gesund ist das aber nicht mehr.

Mr. X: Habe ich auch nie behauptet. Mein Arzt hat mir ein maximales Alter von 60-65 vorausgesagt. Schönes Alter um zu sterben. So falle ich meinen Angehörigen nicht zur Last und hatte trotzdem vorher ne geile Zeit (lacht).

Ich: Jedem das seine. Benutzt Ihr eigentlich Untergrundsachen wie British Dragon oder IP?

Mr. X: Nein. Unser Zeug bekommen wir entweder direkt aus der Apotheke oder halt von unseren "Mixern". Viele lassen sich für teuer Geld ihren Stoff selber mixen. Den Rohstoff kriegste mit entsprechender Lizenz ohne Probleme, das Anmischen stellt für die richtigen Leute auch kein Problem dar. 

Ich: Ein beliebtes Thema: Profi Bodybuilder = männliche Huren?
Mr. X: War das ein Angebot (lacht)?

SH: (Lacht und verschluckt sich beim Trinken).

Ich: Klar, nur sind mir die Profiteile nicht lang genug (lache).

Mr. X: Arsch (lacht)!

Ich: Also? Ist was dran?

Mr. X: Ach, weißt Du... Nicht nur die Männer machen sowas. Kann Dir gar nicht sagen, mit wieviel weiblichen Bodybuilderinnen ich bereits gevögelt habe. Die sind vom Testo so geil und unersättlich, für die gibst teilweise nichts anderes. Tabulos und gierig sind die alle (grinst verschmitzt).

Ich: Erzähl mehr (lache)...

Mr. X: Die meisten Bodybuilderinnen schmeissen sich Dir direkt an den Hals, wenn Du Muskeln hast. Kaum fühlen die sich mit Dir alleine, greifen die Dir direkt an den Schwanz. Komischerweise wollen gerade die Frauen dann auch anal gevögelt werden. Mir solls recht sein (grinst).

SH: Gut, dass unsere Frauen nicht anwesend sind (grinst)...

Ich: Und wie sieht es mit den Kerlen aus?

Mr. X: Stoff ist teuer. Und wenn Dir einer sagt, dass er Dir 500 Dollar bar auf die Hand gibt, wenn Du nackt vor ihm post und er Dir anschließend einen blasen darf, dann sagt keiner nein. Da muss man als Profi halt drüberstehen. Würde Ben mal etwas mehr Kohle den Athleten zugestehen und weniger in die eigene Tasche stecken, würde das vielleicht alles ganz anders aussehen...

Ich: Gut, dass mir die Gene zum Profi Bodybuilding fehlen, obwohl ich gerne mal von gierigen Bodybuilderinnen überfallen würde (lache).

Mr. X: Kein Thema. (Er legt seine Hand auf meine Schulter und zeigt nach rechts auf drei leichtbekleidete Damen). Wetten, dass zwei von denen mit uns aufs Hotelzimmer gehen würden, wenn ich sie frage!?

Ich: 50 Euro dagegen.

SH: Da steige ich mit ein. 50 Euro dafür.

Mr. X: SH, kannst Dein Geld behalten, die Wette habe ich schon gewonnen.

Mr. X geht zu den Damen und fällt direkt mit der Tür ins Haus: "Wanna fuck?" Zu meinem Erstaunen nicken alle drei Damen und er bringt sie mit an den Tisch...

Damit ist das Interview wohl gelaufen :-)

Monday, December 15, 2014

Arnold Classics 2015 ! Will Dexter Jackson win it (again) ?!!

Dexter Jackson at his Victory - Arnold Classics 2013
Dennis Wolf won the Arnold Classics 2014! But he will left out the 2015 Arnold Classics in order to focus himself on the Biggest Bodybuilding Title on the Planet, the Mr.Olympia!!

So which Top-Athletes are left ?!Mainly  Branch Warren , Evan Centopani, Cedric McMillan, Roelly Winklaar , Ben Pakuski..... and DEXTER JACKSON!!

Although he is 45 years old now, Dexter's fire still burns like hell!
He already won the Arnold Classics 2005,2006,2008 and in 2013. This shows us that his recent Victory isn't long time ago.
But what's Dexter's own opinion on it?!

From a Recent Interview with MD's Ron Harris (Decembre 12,2014)

RH: Let's get right to it. Strategically, you had a pretty good idea of who was and was not doing the contest by this week. Phil, Kai, Shawn, and Dennis have been getting by you for the last couple years at the Mr. Olympia, and none of them are going to be in this next Arnold show. The top guys who are, namely Branch, Evan, Cedric, Roelly, and Pakuski, are all men you have been beating consistently. Was this the major factor in your decision to do the show?

DJ: Yes, because I think the show is wide open. I'm not saying I will win, but I know there's a very good chance I can. And I also feel it might be my last chance. I'm not going to be doing this a whole lot longer.

RH: Assuming you are in your usual condition, do you see any of the men we just mentioned giving you any serious trouble?

DJ: No. That's no disrespect to any of them. I just know what I am capable of and how things have shaken out in the past.

What's your opinion on it? Comment, Share and Stay tuned!!...

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Interview with Ian Harrison about Steroids,HGH, Insulin

November 1999
Issue #4


AE: Last issue you touched briefly on your theory of anabolic use, stating that you didn't agree with the excessive dosages advocated by Paul Borreson. You're obviously in a position to know what happens at the professional level. Realistically, what is required for a pro to compete nowadays?

IAN: I think people, I really, really honestly do, I mean Paul Borreson stated that Lee Preist took 2000 mg a day and Jean-Pierre Fux took this and that, you really cannot say what anybody takes, because only the person who's self-administering can say that. Most of the guys will not really discuss dosages, it's not really a talked about subject. We talk about how we stack things and things like that. But I think everybody is so different you can't really say what works for Nasser or what works for Ronnie Coleman will definitely work for me. I really don't think everybody is the same. I can tell you exactly how I've used gear for the last four years, it's never varied. I've always done six-week cycles, I've always androgen loaded for two weeks, and then used a fast-acting androgen for the last four weeks. Then I've got three weeks to clean out.

AE: So, do most guys cycle, or are most guys constantly on?

IAN: I think it depends what situation they're in, if they're guest posing on a regular basis and they're in the limelight and they've got to be seen by people and they've got business commitments as far as bodybuilding, guest posing, and seminars go, I would probably say they very rarely come off. If they're able to leave the limelight, if for instance, if they're the sort of guys like Nasser or some of the European guys who maybe leave America, or just go in hiding for a couple of months, I think 9 times out of 10 you can guarantee that those guys are the guys who are taking time off to recover and get their bodies right again for the next course. Like I said, you can never really say what anybody does, but just knowing personally the people in the sport…..you can tell, I mean you go to Gold's certain times of the year when people aren't competing and you can look at certain guys and they look really, really small. They're not necessarily taking a break, they're being intelligent. It doesn't get them any good press from the general public who's seen them looking small, but they don't really give a because they know once they start back on the gear and start training properly and eating properly, they're going to be back exactly where they were before, and even better. The guys who want to look good all the time end up being on gear all the time and end up burning themselves out that much quicker.

AE: We've talked about this on the site before, but you've got all of these people who claim to know what the pro bodybuilders take, and it's like, how do you know? They're not with them 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so how do they possibly know? The other thing is, most of those guys would never be honest about their use anyway. Why are they going to be honest with someone about what they take?

IAN: They never will. I've seen a lot of this, right. You'll get a normal guy, we'll guy him a punter, you? A normal punter will come in and ask you what you use. And some of the guys will deny using anything. Some of the other guys who've got more of a sense of humor will come out with these ridiculously huge dosages, just to shock the people. And the people really think they are being serious. You really do it as a joke. I remember being told a story years ago about John Brown. I don't know a John Brown but apparently it was set in a Cinema-Q, this guy walks up to him and says, "Do you use anabolic steroids?" So John Brown turns around and says, "Do you masturbate?" I mean, it's a personal question, mind your own business. At the end of the day it's got nothing to with anybody else. I think bodybuilders should be open about things, which they never have been. In years past when American bodybuilders would come to England to do seminars, they would actually deny using steroids at all. Well, the English people aren't stupid, English bodybuilders aren't daft. They would just get up and walk out. I just don't see any point in lying to anybody or giving anybody false truths. At the end of the day, all the guys who are going to use gear are going to use it anyway, and if you can use it without hurting yourself, it's much better for everybody. Then it comes down to the man who's willing to work hardest in the gym, and be more dedicated with his training, eating and sleeping.

AE: Yes, all steroids are doing is leveling out the playing field.

IAN: Exactly, Exactly.

AE: Everybody is doing it, everybody has to do it. The thing that bothers me about bodybuilding and the whole steroid issue is that people outside of the sport think that bodybuilders look that way totally because of steroids, they don't see what else goes into achieving that kind of cosmetic effect.

IAN: Yes, and the athletes who compete in the Olympics don't use them.

AE: Yes, (laughing) and football players in the NFL….the average weight of linemen has increased by 40 lbs in the last thirty years simply because of what reason? It's kind of ridiculous, but people don't want to accept that.

IAN: Exactly, because it's a more publicly accepted sport.

AE: What kind of total gram dosages are you using per week when you're doing your androgen loading?

IAN: During androgen loading, me maximum would be 4 sostenon a week and 4 dura's a week, so that's 8, probably about 2000 mg a week for the loading phase, then I'd be looking at 100 mg of propionate every other day. If I got close to a show, I'd probably increase that slightly to 100 mg a day to make sure I didn't lose any mass while calories are restricted. I think people assume that pro bodybuilders take more dosages than normal bodybuilders and I really don't think that's the case. From the guys who I've talked to on a personal level, they don't use huge amounts. They really don't. The one thing they do differently than other bodybuilders is they eat religiously, perfect all the time. I don't mean perfect as in clean food, I mean perfect as in amounts of food.

AE: I think food is your best anabolic.

IAN: (Very excited) Oh without a doubt, without a doubt. I've seen guys take 3-4 times the dosages I've taken, but I've put on maybe 20 lbs more muscle because I've eaten correctly. I really think training is a big thing, but I don't think it's the main thing. I think the eating and the sleeping are the two main things in bodybuilding.

AE: What is your opinion of gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - ?

IAN: I think growth hormone is fantastic, but I don't believe in the huge dosages. When I first started using gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - which was the first year I did the English Grand Prix which was….(asks wife what year he did the English Grand Prix)….I was 24 years old the first time I took gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - , which was 1993. I was using 4 iu's on training days only, which was 4 iu's four days a week. It freaked me out, I put 2 lbs a day on for 9 days.

AE: 2 lbs a day?

IAN: Yes, and this was six weeks out from my first pro show. It freaked me out.

AE: This was six weeks out so you're on caloric restriction at this point, right?

IAN: Very much so. My physique changed overnight, I couldn't believe what was happening.

AE: I personally have never used growth. I've got a prescription for it, waiting for it to get filled, but I've never tried it before.

IAN: Use it man, use it!

AE: (Laughing) Some people say it's not that great for mass, it's only good for its lipotropic properties. Your saying it's a great mass builder, huh?

IAN: I believe it's a great mass builder, but only under the right conditions. I've tried to use it in the off-season once, and it didn't do anything for me at all. It didn't work for me, I couldn't eat enough calories to Sustain the gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - . It sounds very contradictory, I was using it on a calorie restricted diet and I gained a lot of weight, but the thing is, I had been in such great condition for 4 weeks prior to using the growth, and my digestive system was so efficient because my intake of fats so low, I was hungry literally within 30-40 minutes of my last meal. I was digesting food at a rapid rate. If your fat intake is higher, you digest food much slower. I don't honestly feel that growth hormone works when you've got a high fat intake, I think it only works when your protein is very high. You know it's very effective on a pre-contest diet where your metabolism is working at a very good rate and you're digesting food very quickly.

AE: When you're taking the growth, are you using it with insulin?

IAN: I used insulin from 97-98. I don't like it, I think it's vastly overrated.

AE: How many iu's were you using a day?

IAN: 10 iu's after training. I didn't like it, I went hypo a couple of times on it, scared my wife to death. I don't think I'll be using insulin again. You've got to evaluate the Pros and cons of taking anything. If it gives you a 10% increase in your physique, is it worth the downsides to it? I've seen a lot of guys mess up on insulin, a lot of guys. I think maybe in the off-season it can be of benefit, but I certainly wouldn't use it for a show. I would probably say from my own experience that I would use gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - when I'm on sort of a pre-contest diet and in the off-season I would use insulin. gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - doesn't work for me effectively in the off-season so I would use insulin, but only in small amounts. I don't advocate the huge amounts that some people claim, and I don't think you should stay on it long-term either. I would maybe use it for 4 weeks of my 6 week cycle and then again after my three weeks clean

 AE: Question of the day: IGF-1.

IAN: . I've used it once, I got no results whatsoever. I thought maybe what I used wasn't IGF-1, but I tracked it down and found out that it was. Maybe when I transported it, it didn't transport well or I don't know. But from my experience, I've used it once and it didn't do anything for me whatsoever. However, I have heard some amazing stories about it.

AE: Yes, I've never personally talked to anyone who's every gotten anything out of it, yet I always hear these stories about how so-and-so has taken it and put on all of this weight. Everyone I've talked to who's really tried it doesn't get out of it.

IAN: You know I really think the people who have taken IGF-1 and grown were not really taking IGF-1, they were taking growth hormone. We all know that gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - works, but I've never seen any proof that IGF-1 is stable enough to be used, and be used in a way that you can gain huge amounts of mass. I can't see it happening. But, I'm not a doctor and I don't know everything, this is just from my personal experience. I'd say IGF-1 is a no-go at the moment, in another 3 or 4 years they might bring out another version of IGF that can be used more readily in the body and people will gain huge amounts of muscle. But, the stuff I've been offered and the stuff I've used before definitely didn't work.

AE: Unfortunately, anecdotal reports and personal experience is all we have to go by, there's not too many doctors running around shooting bodybuilders full of IGF-1 to see what happens

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Ronnie Coleman fordert Jay Cutler zurück auf die Mr.Olympia Bühne !!!

Der 8-malige  Mr.Olympia (1998-2005) Ronnie Coleman ist mittlerweile 50 Jahre alt!
Seine letzte aktive Teilnahme beim Mr.Olympia war im Jahre 2007, bei dem er den 4.Platz erreichte und sich mit einer Standing Ovation von der Wettkampfbühne verabschiedete.
Vor einer Woche postete Ronnie, aber einen sehr überraschen Text !

Ronnie Coleman Aktuell
"  Trying my best to get these 17.34567 inch arms bigger. Of course it's a never ending battle because I know it's possible. If I stay focused I know I can get them back to 22 like they use to be. No excuses I am on a mission to possibly get back on that Olympia stage and give Jay a run for his money. I can't beat Phil but I think I can beat washed up Jay because I'm washed up too but not as washed up as Jay. Ok Jay the challenge is on, I'm giving you 2 years to meet me on that Olympia stage. It's gonna be one on one, me against you. See you there in 2016, Oh yeah it ain't over MF, once again it's on. ‪#‎yeahbuddy‬ ‪#‎lightweightbaby‬ ‪#‎aintnothingbutapeanut‬ ‪#‎aintnothingtoitbuttodoit‬. I'm getting my title back!"

Ronnie will es immer noch wissen! Der Olympia 2016 wäre in 2 Jahren.
 Bodybuilding Fans aus aller Welt werden gespannt auf den Tag warten!
Denkt ihr er schafft es zurück?!
Wird Jay die Herausforderung annehmen?!

Was haltet ihr davon??
Kommentare sind erwünscht :) !!!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Jay Cutler im Ruhestand?! NEIN!

von Jay Cutlers FB Fanpage (Oktober 2014)

 Jay Cutler ist für viele Bodybuilding Fans eine lebende Legende!
Der 41 Jähriger Amerikaner aus Massachusetts schaffte es ganze 4 mal Mr.Olympia zu werden!
Er schockierte die Bodybuilding Welt, als er im Jahre 2009 so gut wie nie auf die Bühne kam und sich den Sandow Titel sicherte.
Das hätten viele Skeptiker nach der Niederlage gegen Dexter Jackson (2008) nicht erwartet und waren umso begeisterter, als Cutler den Titel zurück eroberte.

So, das waren ein paar Ausschnitte aus Cutlers glorreichen Zeiten. Es wird Zeit für aktuelle Fakten.
2013 war Jays bis heute letzter Auftritt beim Mr. Olympia, bei dem er "nur" den 6.Platz erreichte.
Schon 2011 wurde er "entkront" von Phil Heath, wodurch sein letzter Sieg im September,2010 war.
Das hört sich alles sehr tragisch an, aber kein Grund zur Enttäuschung für Jay!
Auch wenn er, seit Ende 2013 nicht mehr aktiv auf der Bühne steht, ist er aber in der Bodybuildingszene dennoch ein sehr relevanter Begriff.
Er hat eine weltweit eine riesige Fangemeinde und ist auf sehr vielen Messen und Bodybuilding Versanstaltungen vertreten, dadurch dass er seine Supplement Linie "Cutler Nutrition" vertritt.
Fotos zeigen, dass Jay nicht mehr so unglaublich Massiv ist wie damals, er aber das ganze Jahr über eine sehr gute Form hält.

Für jeden Bodybuilder kommt der Tag an dem man besser Abschied nehmen sollte von der Wettkampfbühne, weil der Nachwuchs besser als die "alten Füchse" werden.
Jay ist schon 41 Jahre alt und braucht keinem mehr etwas zu beweisen, deshalb finde ich ein Comeback unnötig und eher schlecht für seinen Legendenstatus.
Was würde es ihm nützen, sich ein halbes Jahr vorm Olympia aus der Öffentlichkeit zu ziehen und nur zu essen, trainieren und schlafen wie damals, um dann vielleicht eine Top 10 Platzierung zu machen.
Das wäre ganz und garnicht sinnvoll, sondern auch eher schadhaft für sein Supplement Business.
Man hat einen Athleten, meiner Meinung nach, besser im Gedächtnis, wenn er zu seiner besten Zeit als Sieger gefeiert wurde und danach, als Sieger geht, so wie Dorian Yates damals!
Jay hat es 2011 und 2013 aber versucht wieder zu gewinnen, was ihm nicht gelang. Deshalb ist es vielleicht das beste , dass er eben spätestens nach 2013 sich vom Wettkampfgeschehen zurückzieht, seine "Legacy" geniesst und dabei sein Business vorantreibt. Im Ruhestand ist er deshalb nicht, da er ausserhalb der Bühne sehr aktiv ist, deshalb sollte man den Begriff "Ruhestand" genauer definieren.

Einen offiziellen Rücktritt (von der Wettkampfbühne) hat Jay Cutler aber noch nicht ausgesprochen, also seien wir weiterhin gespannt !

Folgt mir auf Instagram @denizfit96


Friday, October 10, 2014

Kai Greene's Abstieg?! Rückzug vom Prag Cup & seine Gründe?!

Nachdem Kai Greene schon beim Mr.Olympia eine eher bescheidene Form zeigte, kam eine plötzliche Teilnahme seinerseits beim EVL's Prague Cup in Tschechien.
Der eigentlich nicht auf der Teilnehmerliste stehende Greene überraschte die Fans und Athleten, als er beim Prejudging aufkreuzte.
Jedoch brachte er eine enttäuschende Form, sodass schon beim Prejudging jedem klar war, dass Kai nicht gewinnen kann gegen einen Dennis Wolf in Topform oder gegen Shawn Rhoden.
Vor dem Finale kam dann die Ansprache seinerseits an seine Fans und Zuschauer, dass er sich aus dem Wettkampf  entzieht und somit nicht beim Finale teilnimmt.
So, dass waren jetzt die Fakten, kommen wir nun zu möglichen Ursachen.
Wieso hat Kai eigentlich so plötzlich teilgenommen?!
-Ich denke, dass es sehr gut sein kann, dass Kai evtl. von seinem Sponsor dazu aufgefordert wurde teilzunehmen.
Es wäre gut für ihn, auch in Europa  einen Namen auf der Wettkampfbühne zu machen und mehr Fans zu generieren.
Außerdem wäre es ein gutes Zeichen, als Sieger aus dem Prag Cup zu gehen, um schon mal Freude auf den nächsten Olympia zu erwecken!

Wieso ist Kai so plötzlich wieder abgesprungen?!
-Zuschauer berichten, Kai schon mit geladenen Tellern an Essem am Frühstücksessen gesehen zu haben.
Eindrücke die eher von einer tiefen Offseason, als einer Wettkampfdiät sprechen.
Außerdem denke ich, dass der wichtigste Grund einfach darin lag, dass er sich einfach keine Niederlage gegen Shawn oder Dennis erlauben kann, wenn er beim Olympia nächstes Jahr wieder um den Sieg kämpfen will. Der 3. Platz wäre zudem auch nicht garantiert und dass könnte sich Kai allein wegen der Publicity nicht erlauben.

Was sollte Kai nun tun?!
-Viele, unter anderem Phil Heath, raten Kai, den Vorbereiter zu wechseln. Mr Greene kam einfach die letzten Wettkämpfe nie wirklich in die gewollte Form, die er für den Sieg braucht.
Ein Wechsel wäre vielleicht garnicht so schlecht, denn Kai kann auch in Form kommen! Nicht umsonst gewann er multiple Male den Arnold Classics Titel. Seien wir gespannt was in den nächsten Monaten passiert!

Folgt mir auf Instagram unter denizfit96 ! :)


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Dennis Wolf siegt bei der Arnolds Classics Europe !!!

Quelle: Arnold Schwarzeneggers Fb Fanpage

Nachdem Dennis letztes Wochenende den 4.Platz beim Mr.Olympia machte und damit hinter Shawn Rhoden (3.Platz) landete, schafft es Dennis wieder sich vor Shawn zu platzieren!
Die Fülle, die ihm beim Olympia gefehlt hat, hatte er dieses mal!
Schon im Frühjahr diesen Jahres gewann Dennis Wolf die Arnold Classics 2014 in Columbus,Ohio und sicherte sich seinen Platz in den Geschichtsbüchern des deutschen Bodybuildings!
Er ist der erste deutsche der jemals die Arnold Classics gewonnen hat.
Nächstes Wochenende macht Dennis beim Prag Profi Cup mit und wird wieder um den Sieg kämpfen.
Sein Ziel ist es nächstes Jahr die Frühjahrssaison und damit die Arnold Classics auszulassen und sich voll und ganz auf den Mr.Olympia zu konzentrieren, um wieder in die Top 3 zu gelangen.
Ich bin sehr gespannt, wie sich Dennis weiter entwickeln wird!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

War der Mr.Olympia 2014 fair?!

Letztes Wochenende verfolgten hundert tausende Bodybuilding Fans, wie sich Phil Heath den 4.Mr. Olympia Titel in seiner Karriere als Ifbb Pro holte.
Als ich dann begann die Kommentare unter den Bildern von Phil Heath und den großen Magazinen zu lesen, sah ich sehr oft Sachen wie "Kai should get first!Kai got robbed....".
Politik spielt bekanntlich eine Rolle im Profi BB.
Man muss sich auch außerhalb der Bühne präsentieren können und den Sport gut vertreten bzw, was wahrscheinlich wichtiger ist , vermarkten!
Phil ist bekannt für dicke Auto Autos, maßgeschneiderte Anzüge und große Häuser.
Das lässt sich natürlich gut vermarkten, denn Kai, im Gegensatz, zeigt in keinem der Videos in der er vorkommt ein großes Haus, teure Autos oder weiteren Luxus.
Bei ihm dreht es sich nur um den Sport selbst.
Ich finde man kann ihn, den Rocky des Bodybuilding sehen, der ohne Eltern aufgewachsen ist.
Außerdem hat Kai damals als er sehr arm war, aber trotzdem als Bodybuilder Wettkämpfe bestreiten wollte, schwule "Schmuddelvideos" gedreht, auch bekannt unter Gay4pay.
Viele gehen davon aus, dass sein Hintergrund ihn deshalb auch verhindert an die absolute Spitze des Profi Bodybuildings zu gelangen.
Wer aber den Mr.Olympia schon lange verfolgt, weiß, dass man ,um den amtierenden Mr.Olympia schlagen zu können, viel besser sein als der Champ selbst.
Kai Greene war nicht viel besser als Phil, es war keine klare Entscheidung.
Ich bin gespannt, wie lange die Siegesserie von Phil hält und ob sich Kai noch eines Tages den Olympia Titel holt!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

3 Wochen Stoffwechelskuren für die Form des Lebens?!Achtung,Extremdiäten!

Viele Fitnessstudios werben mit angeblichen Stoffwechelkuren, bei denen man in 21 Tagen all sein Fett verlieren soll!
1 kg Fett hat ca 7000 kalorien.
Wenn nun mit 10 kg "Depotfett" in 21 Tagen geworben wird, wird dafür ein Kaloriendefizit von ca. 3350 Kalorien am Tag. Für eine gesunde Diät wird ein Kaloriendefizit von 300-700 Kalorien am Tag empfohlen, was zeigt, dass das Gerüst solcher Extremdiäten bzw. Crashdiäten ein extrem hohes ,natürlich ungesundes,Defizit an Kalorien ist!
Ein durchschnittlicher Erwachsene der nun z.B. 2000 Kalorien am Tag verbraucht, dürfte 3 Wochen lang gar nichts essen und müsste durch ein tägliches stundenlanges Sportprogramm durchmachen um 10 kg Depotfett in 21 Tagen zu verlieren!
Das soll Gesund sein ?! Ernsthaft?!

Nun weiß ich aber wie solche Diäten ablaufen. Man darf zwar jeden Tag etwas essen, das begrenzt sich aber auf Eiweiß und Gemüse. Man soll am Tag auf ca. 700 kommen und Sport muss man sowieso treiben.
Auf Fett wird demnach komplett verzichtet und man hat (fast)keine Kohlenhydrate!
 Was macht so eine Kur aber erst lukrativ ?! Richtig, die "essentiellen" künstlichen Vitamine und Vitalstoffe, wobei man erst durch deren Einnahme bestmögliche Ergebnisse erzielen soll.
Diese kosten mehrere hundert Euro und machen so eine Kur sehr teuer für den Käufer und sehr lukrativ für den Hersteller, Händler etc.
Fett ist essentiell für den Hormonhaushalt, weshalb es sehr ungesund ist komplett darauf zu verzichten.
Kohlenhydrate ziehen Wasser, ziemlich viel sogar. Wenn man jetzt anfängt und davor jeden Tag massenweise kohlenhydrate zu sich genommen hat, wird man jetzt in kurzer Zeit sehr viel WASSER verlieren.
Das ist ein großer Trick, denn auch wenn man 10 kg verlieren würde wäre ein großteil davon Wasser!!
Der Ottonormalverbraucher denkt aber Gewichtsabnahme = reiner Fettabbau und freut sich.

Nach 3 Wochen ist die Diät geschafft, und man fängt wieder an, normal bzw. wie davor zu essen und zu leben.
Sprich kein extremes Kaloriendefizit, sondern ein hoher Kalorienüberschuss und die Pfunde purzeln schneller zurück, wie man schauen kann ! Das nennt man auch Jojo Effekt!
Mein Fazit: Lasst euch nicht verarschen! Was sehr schnell weggeht kommt meistens noch schneller wieder zurück!

Mr.Olympia 2014 Sieger erneut Phil Heath!

Heute Morgen (deutsche Zeit) gewann Phil Heath zum 4. mal den Mr.Olympia Titel (2011-2014)!!
Kai Greene machte erneut den 2.Platz und verlor somit die "Phil & Kai Show"!

Die Top 10 beim Olympia waren:

10. - Juan Disel
9. - Steve Kuclo
8. - Victor Martinez
7. - Mamdouh "Big Ramy" Elssbiay
6. - Branch Warren
5. - Dexter Jackson
4. - Dennis Wolf
3. - Shawn Flexatron Rhoden 

2. - Kai Greene
1. - Phillip Heath

Somit ist Phil Heath um 275,000 $ reicher und führt seine Siegesserie fohrt!
Ob sein Sieg zu 100% gerechtfertigt ist kann ich nicht sagen, dass ist irgendwo auch Geschmackssache. Jedoch beschwerten sich jetzt schon sehr viele Fans, dass Phils Sieg unfair war und Kai der eigentliche Sieger ist.
Was ich persöhnlich ziemlich unfair fand ist, dass Branch Warren sich VOR Big Ramy platzierte und somit in die Top 6 landete.
Dennis & Shawn waren beide sehr gut,sodass man die beiden Plätze tauchen könnte, es jedoch so auch in Ordnung ist.

Fandet ihr die Plazierungen gerecht?! 
Wenn nein, wieso? Kommentieren ist erlaubt und erwünscht :)