Monday, July 21, 2014

Phil Heath leaves Muscletech & launches Gifted Nutrition!!

Instagram Mr Olympia Phil Heath left  his Sponsor Muscletech... for publishing his new Supplement Brand "Gifted Nutrition" !

A lot of IFBB Pro Stars released a exclusive Supplement Line/Clothes after  quitting their Career of Competetive Bodybuilding such as Ronnie Coleman,Dorian Yates, Jay Cutler....
But Phil is the first one who actually open up a new Supplement Brand while being on the Peak of his Career with 3 Olympia titles (2013,2012,2011)!

Good or Bad decision?!
At Muscletech he got a yearly Paycheck of 500,000 $ . That's like 40,000 $ a month!
He just made Photoshoots, Videos & Pictures as an Top Athlete of Muscletech!
Now he has his own Brand and has to get from the bottom to the top with that!
It will probably take him some years of establishing himself before he will make a LOT of money.
Some people say that, he should completely focuse himself on his Career as the Best Bodybuilder on the Planet and should do such things after his Pro-Career.
But Phil seems to stay cool and be all about Business, so GOOD LUCK CHAMP!!

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